22 June 2010

Taking on the V-Con Pt. 2

Ah, the trials and tribulations of cooking. Today I had a quite simple recipe to follow and yet I managed to goof it up. The recipe, Snobby Joes from the Veganomicon.

The reason as to the less than satisfactory outcome? Lentils. The recipe calls for lentils and I assume that means regular lentils, but I used red lentils because I already had some in my pantry. Red lentils cook up faster than regular lentils and even though I cut the cook time almost in half I still had a mushy texture I was not too thrilled with. The Snobby Joes were a tad on the bland side, which I noticed Courtney mentioned in her blog, but she was more creative than I and spiced things up a bit. I however, have been in a funk and my creative side was sulking somewhere in the recesses of my brain. I followed the recipe step by step, ate my dinner then sighed. Blah. Blah day, blah dinner, blah blah blah. I am not going to give up on this recipe, I will buy the correct lentils and try try try again damnit! Until that day comes this is the result of my take on the Veganomicon's Snobby Joes.

ingredients, minus the maple syrup and mustard

soaking in its juices

it was a bit spicy from the chipotle pepper, and a bit smokey too

Don't forget to check out Courtney and Katie's blogs to see their results also!


  1. Hmmm...Katie had a few problems too! Maybe we should do a revisit in like a month or two as a kinda bonus 'Take On'? I don't know...
    Mine were really tasty after many adjustments and even better the next day once everything kinda blended together.
    You'll get it though!

  2. Sorry your creativity is hiding.. hope you're doing ok. Need any help with this Sat? I'll be there with my soap if you need back up goodies :c)

  3. Aw, sad to hear that the red lentils didn't cut it for this recipe- They're one of my favorite pantry staples too since they cook so quickly. Ah well, good to know for future Snobby Joe attempts!

  4. I got your message last night. It's been crazy busy at work! I love the ice cream social idea. I'm finally going to have some days off after today. I'll give you a call.

    Can I join your Taking of the V-con challenge? It is one of my favorite cook books...of course I'm a little biased because I was a tester. It would motivate me to get it back out.

  5. OMG i just stumbled upon your blog and i am in LOVE! i was flirting with the idea of going vegan, i am already very veg/non dairy and your recipes make it look delish!!!!

