12 August 2010

This Sunday

As you folks know just from looking at my "Books I Am Reading" list I am an avid reader. I like to tell people I have just met that I devour books like candy, because I really, really love candy. You will also notice by looking at this list that this year I have read twenty-four books so far this year and among those books is a memoir, one so poignant that I read it in one day. This book made me cry, a lot but it also made me laugh so hard I almost wee'd in my knickers. This book?

My One Night Stand With Cancer by Tania Katan.

Tania is a native Arizonian and in fact at one time lived right on my street (although about 10 years earlier). Her story is about her fight, not once but twice with breast cancer. The first time cancer struck she was only twenty-one years old. When she retells the visits to her doctors, the chemotherapy, the losing of her hair she tells it as if it were an anecdote or punch-line to a hilarious joke. I, myself, don't think I could have ever been strong enough to laugh such a scary thing right in the face like she did, and twice!! As you can gather, I have much admiration for Tania, so you can understand why this morning after receiving an email requesting I make cupcakes for a photo shoot, this Sunday for Tania I did quite an embarrassing jig in front of my dogs. I am giddy, giddy!! Tania will be doing a one person performance called Saving Tania's Privates In Phoenix from September 16th thru October 10th. If you live in the valley I suggest you check it out and bring some tissues because tears of laughter will be impossible to avoid.


  1. That is so amazing! They are going to look beautiful and I just cannot wait to see what they look like. Wish I could be there!

  2. Wow what timing. One of my closest friends was just diagnosed. I'm a 10 year survivor. Thanks for doing this for her. It's nice to read the triumph of others.

  3. That does sound like a great memoir. One of my good friends (okay, practically my sister) got breast cancer at 24. She beat it and she's healthy and 29 now. But when it happened, it was like, "no way!" We really though breast cancer only happened to people over 40. Wrong! Congrats on the cupcake gig!

  4. No one deserves this more than you! I am so excited for you and I cannot wait to see the pictures!

  5. ive had this book on my mind since you mentioned it in your letter to me. i really need ro read it ASAP.

  6. Now I'm so curious! How tall are you? I'm 5'11
