11 August 2010

Vegan Bake Sale

Hello friends,

"Another Vegan bake sale?" you ask, "already?" To this I reply with great enthusiasm, "Yes! Another bake sale, and there will be more and more to come because there are millions of charities in Arizona that always need help, and there are tons of Vegans who love to bake and want to share their happy lifestyle with others!"

But seriously folks, when I participated in my first bake sale I was happy to donate a few delicious dishes in support of a good cause, and then I did my second bake sale, then my third... I am hooked! The support we get for these sales is overwhelming. The donations of vegan foods, the networking to let others know about the sales and of course the purchase and enjoyment of baked goodies all makes my feeble heart go pitter pat! I am so appreciative of all of you and I want you to know how grateful I am.

That being said, if you can feel it in your heart, or in your stomach there is another wonderful bake sale September 11th to benefit the Arizona Adoption and Foster Care Agency. I originally wanted to do a school supply drive for them in the beginning of this month but when speaking with Marcia Reck from the agency I was informed that a mid September sale was best. This seemed odd but she explained that when the new school year begins that teachers, principals and nurses start to notice students who arrive to school disheveled, with bruises or are malnourished and that is when CPS steps in to access the situation. More children are sent into foster care this time of year, and usually they have little to nothing to take with them to their new homes. This is where we are stepping in to help. We can and will raise these funds to help these children as much as we possibly can. See how I am using the term we? As a community we can make a difference to help these kids, it is as easy as buying a cookie.

I have attached a copy of the bake sale flyer if you want to pass it on, and I hope to see all of you there!

Saturday September 11th
11am-4pm @ Loveland Boutique
S.E. corner of Baseline and Mill


Remember, it takes a village to raise a child.

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