Short term goals for this month and why:
1. Start working out again.
It has been so hot that I haven't wanted to go on my bike rides, and less bike rides for me, means less energy, less energy to work out. I have put on summer weight and I need to shed it off so I can wear my favorite shirts again with confidence.
2. Quit eating ice cream
I was never really an ice cream person but now I am craving it, non-stop. I have some amazing Coconut Bliss last night, yum. But since I am not working out the ice cream is really getting to me. Yikes!
3. Finish Gliead.
I have moved my way through so many new books this year but I seem to be slacking at my latest book Gilead by Marilynne Robinson. I read Housekeeping by her earlier this month and loved it, couldn't put it down, but this one doesn't interest me as much, but I have been told by so many that it is a good read. I just need to work my way through it I guess. I have three days! (:
4. Mentally prepare myself for September's bake sale.
I tend to get frustrated when I have a lot to do, especially when it comes to lots of baking with one oven and a pretty small kitchen. No room, no room! I just need to take a breath, take a shot of vodka and get in there!
5. Help Jinia
My friend has a lot going on and I need to make sure I am available to her as much as possible. She is a sweet girl and I need to make sure that when she needs me, I will drop everything and be there. So that means not filling up my schedule like I tend to do way too often.
6. Hug Timmy.
I don't hug him enough.
That is it, those are my short term goals. I think they are all pretty attainable, don't you?
28 August 2010
26 August 2010
Thirty days of Rikki Cupcake: Day 7
a picture of someone or something that has he biggest impact on me:
I was trying to think of something epic. A person or event that has so changed my life that I would not have become the Rikki Cupcake we all know and love. I thought long and hard and came up empty handed. I admire certain people, but usually those I admire are not role models, they are rebels and revolutionaries. I was trying to think of a certain book that opened my mind to new ideas and possibilities, but most of the authors I read have committed suicide, so also not ones to emulate. Then as I began to think of pivotal moments in my life, each memory had one thing on common, they all had emotional soundtracks.

For every hardship, or triumph there was a song or band that upon hearing, can bring me instantly to a point of reverie. For example, I lost my virginity to Nine Inch Nails, I fell in love for the first time with Weezer, I had my first and worst heartache to Bright Eyes and Azure Ray, I found my love for Timmy with Bonnie Price Billy.

Music I think is what makes me motivated, fuels my creativity, propels me when cycling, enables me to do the dishes. Anything and everything I do in not done in silence.
my current music favorites

Best Coast

The Drums

The Crocodiles

The Dum Dum Girls
What are you currently listening to?
I was trying to think of something epic. A person or event that has so changed my life that I would not have become the Rikki Cupcake we all know and love. I thought long and hard and came up empty handed. I admire certain people, but usually those I admire are not role models, they are rebels and revolutionaries. I was trying to think of a certain book that opened my mind to new ideas and possibilities, but most of the authors I read have committed suicide, so also not ones to emulate. Then as I began to think of pivotal moments in my life, each memory had one thing on common, they all had emotional soundtracks.

For every hardship, or triumph there was a song or band that upon hearing, can bring me instantly to a point of reverie. For example, I lost my virginity to Nine Inch Nails, I fell in love for the first time with Weezer, I had my first and worst heartache to Bright Eyes and Azure Ray, I found my love for Timmy with Bonnie Price Billy.

Music I think is what makes me motivated, fuels my creativity, propels me when cycling, enables me to do the dishes. Anything and everything I do in not done in silence.
my current music favorites

Best Coast

The Drums

The Crocodiles

The Dum Dum Girls
What are you currently listening to?
Taking On The V-Con Pt. 11
I should have posted this an couple of days ago but I was having a day so bad, I was planning my after work cocktail at nine in the morning. I ended up being a bit tipsy when I made dinner and a bit too tipsy to write my review of it. Woopsie! I chose the Corn and Blueberry Pancakes a couple of weeks ago as one of the four recipes I got to choose for this segment of Taking on the V-Con. I wanted something summery and easy to make as it is still incredibly hot and just thinking of turning on the oven makes me sweaty. The pancakes were very easy to assemble and took no time at all to cook. I haven't ever experienced cornmeal in pancakes before and I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. The pancakes were light and crispy and extremely delicious. If you plan on making this the only change I suggest is to add about 1/4 more flour to the batter, because if not they will be way too runny.

the basic ingredients, I used rice milk instead of soy

mix the dry ingredients separately then add wet, mix together then add your blues

I wish I had cute pancake maker shapes, these look sad and non pancake-ish

end results
These were light and crispy. I will definitely make these puppies again.
the basic ingredients, I used rice milk instead of soy
mix the dry ingredients separately then add wet, mix together then add your blues
I wish I had cute pancake maker shapes, these look sad and non pancake-ish
end results
These were light and crispy. I will definitely make these puppies again.
corn meal,
taking on the v-con
Thirty days of Rikki Cupcake: Day 6
Your favorite super hero and why:
It is so hard to pick just one. I could go with the obvious and say how much I love Superman. He was dashing, fit and Vegetarian. Yes, Superman is a Vegetarian. That makes him a little more attractive if you ask me.

imagine him with some broccoli...awesome!
I could also go with Batman. He is dark and mysterious and doesn't really play by the rules. He has most recently been played by Christian Bale who just oozes sexiness and who also happens to be vegetarian. Wow, two hot crime fighting babes who are veg. Can we say, Awesome?

yes please.
and one more for the ladies...

Then there is Spiderman, a young, sweet and noble hero. I haven't really been one to follow the Spiderman movies, but in the most recent films Spidey was played by Tobey Maguire who is, yep you guessed it, a Vegan. So that is now three bad ass super heroes who don't eat meat.

Ok, all of that being said, my most absolute, favorite Superhero is The Tick! I love the Tick, the animated series was one of my all time favorite shows as a kid. I even named my cat Spoon from the Tick.

The live action tv show was great, I mean who can hate Patrick Warburton as the Tick?
It is so hard to pick just one. I could go with the obvious and say how much I love Superman. He was dashing, fit and Vegetarian. Yes, Superman is a Vegetarian. That makes him a little more attractive if you ask me.

imagine him with some broccoli...awesome!
I could also go with Batman. He is dark and mysterious and doesn't really play by the rules. He has most recently been played by Christian Bale who just oozes sexiness and who also happens to be vegetarian. Wow, two hot crime fighting babes who are veg. Can we say, Awesome?

yes please.
and one more for the ladies...

Then there is Spiderman, a young, sweet and noble hero. I haven't really been one to follow the Spiderman movies, but in the most recent films Spidey was played by Tobey Maguire who is, yep you guessed it, a Vegan. So that is now three bad ass super heroes who don't eat meat.

Ok, all of that being said, my most absolute, favorite Superhero is The Tick! I love the Tick, the animated series was one of my all time favorite shows as a kid. I even named my cat Spoon from the Tick.

The live action tv show was great, I mean who can hate Patrick Warburton as the Tick?

the tick,
thirty days of me
23 August 2010
Ask A Vegan Pt. 15
Today was one of those days, one of those I want to stab the next annoying person in the esophagus with a fork days. Lately at the ol' grocery store, business has been good. More business equals more food to stock equals more employees, right? Well we have the more business, more food part right but the last few days we have been painfully short handed. I say painfully because my back, my knees and the knuckle on my middle finger, right hand hurts. No, I didn't punch a customer, but on accident slammed my hand between two boxes. Now I have a swollen middle finger, not cool for angry expressionism. There is a point in here somewhere, I promise. I sometimes get very serious at work, when things don't get done, I take it as a personal failure, which is really dumb. I was about to reach the point of stark raving mad when I remembered today was Monday, Ask A Vegan day and everything turned around. Cheesy but very true. The little lady I am sharing today is incredibly sweet, her food is om nom nom tasty and she is gorgeous! (I know, I think all vegans are beautiful, but this one is like...woah)
I first found Jacklyn (or maybe she found me?) through blogger. Her blog Go Vegan Meow was instantly appealing to me as a veg and as a cat lady. Her little kitty cat is super adorable and I swoon whenever she posts photos of her furry baby. Once I got over the "oh my gosh kitty" phase I noticed how truly delicious her food was. She posts a new recipe almost daily, not all are her own but the fact that one girl can make that much food and still be smokin' hot is incredible! Check her out, and fall in love.
Name: Jackie
Age: 26
Location: Los Angeles
Website: Go Vegan Meow

How long have you been Vegan?
A little over a year.
What made you decide to go Vegan?
I occasionally used to eat at vegan restaurants before I made the change. On one visit I grabbed a Peta magazine while I waited for my meal. I read the “Meet Your Meat” article, and just like many others was horrified about what I read. I did more research about factory farming and the toll meat plays on your health. A week later I went vegan cold turkey and haven’t looked back since.
How do you feel health wise with this diet choice?
I’ve never felt better. Going vegan was one of the best choices I have ever made. First thing I noticed was the weight I was trying to lose, came off so easily. I feel more energized and I noticed that I don’t get sick as often as I used to. Must be all those yummy veggies I be eating.

Are you open about your Veganism?
Of course! I always invite friends over to share meals that I have made. I want people to know that vegan food isn’t all about salads and tofu. One of the main reasons why I started my blog was to help people find fun, yummy vegan recipes. It’s definitely not something I am ashamed of.
If so, are you involved in any activism i.e. protests, leafleting etc…Unfortunately no, but I would love to.
What do your family, friends, co-workers think about your diet?
Oh geesh, I get mixed reactions from the people in my life. My mom totally understands why I went vegan and is slowly starting to give up meat herself. Some of my aunts on the other hand, think I am really weird and some worry that I am going to get sick. My friends used to tease me when I first went veg. But as time went by and they realized it wasn’t a phase they stopped. They respect my decision and are always down to go out to eat with me at vegan joints.
What advice would you give those interested in becoming Vegan?
To take it slow and not be so hard on yourself if you slip and eat something non-vegan. I see a lot of people attempting to become a vegetarian, only to give up a week or two later because they started feeling too weak. People don’t understand what a big change they’ll be making. It’s basically like having to learn how to eat and cook all over again. One year later, I am still learning myself.

Would you eat at Mc Donald’s if they carried a Vegan burger?
No way! I would never support an organization that didn’t treat their animals humanely.
Do you have a Vegan celebrity that you find particularly dashing?
Natalie Portman all the way. Is she considered dashing? Hehe Either way I think she’s so talented and I love how fashion forward she is, while still keeping all her outfits vegan. She gave me hope before I made the change that vegan fashion could still be super cute.
Do you have a favorite Vegan blog or website that you follow?
Why yours of course Rikki! : ]
But other than yours, I love for info on all the yummy vegan restaurants in my area.
What is your least favorite question that you are asked about your diet?
The dreaded “where do you get your protein?” question ugh.

isn't she a cutie?
What is your favorite dish?
A vegan Pho I get from a local restaurant. It’s a Vietnamese soup with rice noodles, soy protein, veggie broth and cilantro. Served with Sriracha and Hoisin sauce mmm!
What do you typically eat at Thanksgiving?
Last year was my first vegan Thanksgiving so I did a Tofurky with string beans, mashed potatoes, stuffing and pumpkin pie. But this year I am thinking about making my own “Turkey” with all the same sides. I can’t wait to see how that turns out!

If I could make you any flavor cupcake in the world what would it be?
Hmm maybe a Espresso / Gingerbread flavored cupcake with a little gingerbread man cut out on top!
Please share your favorite Vegan recipe.
One of my favorite recipes and a promised hit with all your vegan and non-vegan friends.

Chipotle Chili
– serves 6 to 8
* 2 tablespoons olive or canola oil
* 1 medium yellow onion, chopped
* 1 large carrot, chopped
* 1 stalk celery, chopped
* 1 medium green bell pepper, cored, seeded and chopped
* 1 medium red bell pepper, cored, seeded and chopped
* 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
* 1 to 3 tablespoons finely chopped chipotles in adobo 1 tablespoon dried oregano
* 2 teaspoons ground cumin
* 1 tablespoon chili powder
* 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
* 1 (28-ounce) can diced tomatoes, with their liquid
* 3 cups cooked red kidney beans, drained
* 1 1/2 cups cooked black beans, drained
1. Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add onions, carrots, celery, peppers and garlic and cook for 10 to 12 minutes, until vegetables are softened but not browned.
2. Add chipotles, oregano, cumin, chili powder and salt. Stir to blend. Add tomatoes and 4 cups water. Gently simmer over low heat, uncovered, for 45 minutes.
3. Add beans and simmer an additional 30 minutes. Garnish individual bowls with green onions or vegan sour cream, if desired.
Thanks Jackie! You are ridiculously rad!
I first found Jacklyn (or maybe she found me?) through blogger. Her blog Go Vegan Meow was instantly appealing to me as a veg and as a cat lady. Her little kitty cat is super adorable and I swoon whenever she posts photos of her furry baby. Once I got over the "oh my gosh kitty" phase I noticed how truly delicious her food was. She posts a new recipe almost daily, not all are her own but the fact that one girl can make that much food and still be smokin' hot is incredible! Check her out, and fall in love.
Name: Jackie
Age: 26
Location: Los Angeles
Website: Go Vegan Meow

How long have you been Vegan?
A little over a year.
What made you decide to go Vegan?
I occasionally used to eat at vegan restaurants before I made the change. On one visit I grabbed a Peta magazine while I waited for my meal. I read the “Meet Your Meat” article, and just like many others was horrified about what I read. I did more research about factory farming and the toll meat plays on your health. A week later I went vegan cold turkey and haven’t looked back since.
How do you feel health wise with this diet choice?
I’ve never felt better. Going vegan was one of the best choices I have ever made. First thing I noticed was the weight I was trying to lose, came off so easily. I feel more energized and I noticed that I don’t get sick as often as I used to. Must be all those yummy veggies I be eating.

Are you open about your Veganism?
Of course! I always invite friends over to share meals that I have made. I want people to know that vegan food isn’t all about salads and tofu. One of the main reasons why I started my blog was to help people find fun, yummy vegan recipes. It’s definitely not something I am ashamed of.
If so, are you involved in any activism i.e. protests, leafleting etc…Unfortunately no, but I would love to.
What do your family, friends, co-workers think about your diet?
Oh geesh, I get mixed reactions from the people in my life. My mom totally understands why I went vegan and is slowly starting to give up meat herself. Some of my aunts on the other hand, think I am really weird and some worry that I am going to get sick. My friends used to tease me when I first went veg. But as time went by and they realized it wasn’t a phase they stopped. They respect my decision and are always down to go out to eat with me at vegan joints.
What advice would you give those interested in becoming Vegan?
To take it slow and not be so hard on yourself if you slip and eat something non-vegan. I see a lot of people attempting to become a vegetarian, only to give up a week or two later because they started feeling too weak. People don’t understand what a big change they’ll be making. It’s basically like having to learn how to eat and cook all over again. One year later, I am still learning myself.

Would you eat at Mc Donald’s if they carried a Vegan burger?
No way! I would never support an organization that didn’t treat their animals humanely.
Do you have a Vegan celebrity that you find particularly dashing?
Natalie Portman all the way. Is she considered dashing? Hehe Either way I think she’s so talented and I love how fashion forward she is, while still keeping all her outfits vegan. She gave me hope before I made the change that vegan fashion could still be super cute.
Do you have a favorite Vegan blog or website that you follow?
Why yours of course Rikki! : ]
But other than yours, I love for info on all the yummy vegan restaurants in my area.
What is your least favorite question that you are asked about your diet?
The dreaded “where do you get your protein?” question ugh.

isn't she a cutie?
What is your favorite dish?
A vegan Pho I get from a local restaurant. It’s a Vietnamese soup with rice noodles, soy protein, veggie broth and cilantro. Served with Sriracha and Hoisin sauce mmm!
What do you typically eat at Thanksgiving?
Last year was my first vegan Thanksgiving so I did a Tofurky with string beans, mashed potatoes, stuffing and pumpkin pie. But this year I am thinking about making my own “Turkey” with all the same sides. I can’t wait to see how that turns out!

If I could make you any flavor cupcake in the world what would it be?
Hmm maybe a Espresso / Gingerbread flavored cupcake with a little gingerbread man cut out on top!
Please share your favorite Vegan recipe.
One of my favorite recipes and a promised hit with all your vegan and non-vegan friends.

Chipotle Chili
– serves 6 to 8
* 2 tablespoons olive or canola oil
* 1 medium yellow onion, chopped
* 1 large carrot, chopped
* 1 stalk celery, chopped
* 1 medium green bell pepper, cored, seeded and chopped
* 1 medium red bell pepper, cored, seeded and chopped
* 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
* 1 to 3 tablespoons finely chopped chipotles in adobo 1 tablespoon dried oregano
* 2 teaspoons ground cumin
* 1 tablespoon chili powder
* 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
* 1 (28-ounce) can diced tomatoes, with their liquid
* 3 cups cooked red kidney beans, drained
* 1 1/2 cups cooked black beans, drained
1. Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add onions, carrots, celery, peppers and garlic and cook for 10 to 12 minutes, until vegetables are softened but not browned.
2. Add chipotles, oregano, cumin, chili powder and salt. Stir to blend. Add tomatoes and 4 cups water. Gently simmer over low heat, uncovered, for 45 minutes.
3. Add beans and simmer an additional 30 minutes. Garnish individual bowls with green onions or vegan sour cream, if desired.
Thanks Jackie! You are ridiculously rad!
Thirty days of Rikki Cupcake: Day 5
22 August 2010
Thirty days of Rikki Cupcake: Day 4
A habit I wish that I didn't have:
I ma a bit judgemental of people, especially my family. When someone does something I do not agree with it takes me a bit to accept it. I try my hardest to be light hearted and jovial about things but sometimes my opinions get the best of me. Does that happen to any of you?
I ma a bit judgemental of people, especially my family. When someone does something I do not agree with it takes me a bit to accept it. I try my hardest to be light hearted and jovial about things but sometimes my opinions get the best of me. Does that happen to any of you?
21 August 2010
Thirty days of Rikki Cupcake: Day 3 (image heavy)
A picture of you and your friends, I have a few since I don't have just one photo of all of the people I love together, but I wish I did. Note to friends, get on this! And in no particular order...

My girl Zoe and I. We used to schlep porn together, but now bff's.

Me and Austin, she is more like my little sister. This was the day she got her first tattoo. Yay! She lives in California and I hardly get to see her. Poop!

My friend Ryan, the weirdo beardo at din time, he shaved his beard since, but lives in NY so this picture makes me sad. :(
Timmy's friends who I have taken on as my own. L-R Danielle, me, Timmy, Celine and Lucy at Lucy's wedding. She made her own dress!

My buddy Frank I have known for 10 years now. He used to be a crazy lil punk rock kid, now he teaches tai chi.

My sweet dear Friend Alyssa. I love her to the moon and back. Isn't she beautiful?

Ralph Nader and I. We are not friends but I was glad I met him and he is a super cool dude. I almost ran into a tree waving at him on my bike.

My girl Annie, she will kick you apart!
My boy Billy, I have known him for over 14 years! He is a talented musician and a cutey red head.

Jeff the sign guy and me. Nah, Jeff used to be called the sigh guy, but now he is my best bud at work. Amazing artist and single for all of you local ladies. His hair has been cut, and looks very lovely.

Adelaide is my best friend!
My sweet Bean, who lives in Utah, I met her at work and fell in love with her quirky humour. She is great!
My girl Zoe and I. We used to schlep porn together, but now bff's.

Me and Austin, she is more like my little sister. This was the day she got her first tattoo. Yay! She lives in California and I hardly get to see her. Poop!
My friend Ryan, the weirdo beardo at din time, he shaved his beard since, but lives in NY so this picture makes me sad. :(

My buddy Frank I have known for 10 years now. He used to be a crazy lil punk rock kid, now he teaches tai chi.
My sweet dear Friend Alyssa. I love her to the moon and back. Isn't she beautiful?

Ralph Nader and I. We are not friends but I was glad I met him and he is a super cool dude. I almost ran into a tree waving at him on my bike.

My girl Annie, she will kick you apart!

Jeff the sign guy and me. Nah, Jeff used to be called the sigh guy, but now he is my best bud at work. Amazing artist and single for all of you local ladies. His hair has been cut, and looks very lovely.

Adelaide is my best friend!

20 August 2010
Thirty days of Rikki Cupcake: Day 2
The meaning behind my blog name:
This one could be kind of helpful to those who may not be familiar with my humour. I am not a Satanist, I do not have a chalk pentagram on the floor of my living room (although that would be kind of funny) nor do I curl my fingers into the sign of the beast whilst headbanging to Slayer. Sorry to disappoint those of you who chose to follow me, hoping I would be giving recipes for incantations to bringing the dead back to life. My name is actually a really fun play on words, Seitan being a fake meat made from Vital Wheat Gluten (pronounced say-taan) sounds a bit like Satan huh? The Vegan Heathen part was something I have used for quite some time but there is already a Vegan Heathen blog, sigh. I went by Vegan Heathen after I was told by a completely crazy person, that I was going against the teachings of God by not eating meat. I had no idea! (: That is when I looked into my black shriveled heart and knew in fact I was a heathen, a Vegan Heathen. (: Now Timmy on the other hand is Satanic, see for yourself...
This one could be kind of helpful to those who may not be familiar with my humour. I am not a Satanist, I do not have a chalk pentagram on the floor of my living room (although that would be kind of funny) nor do I curl my fingers into the sign of the beast whilst headbanging to Slayer. Sorry to disappoint those of you who chose to follow me, hoping I would be giving recipes for incantations to bringing the dead back to life. My name is actually a really fun play on words, Seitan being a fake meat made from Vital Wheat Gluten (pronounced say-taan) sounds a bit like Satan huh? The Vegan Heathen part was something I have used for quite some time but there is already a Vegan Heathen blog, sigh. I went by Vegan Heathen after I was told by a completely crazy person, that I was going against the teachings of God by not eating meat. I had no idea! (: That is when I looked into my black shriveled heart and knew in fact I was a heathen, a Vegan Heathen. (: Now Timmy on the other hand is Satanic, see for yourself...

19 August 2010
Thirty days of Rikki Cupcake: Day 1
Kellie over at getthewordsout is doing this thirty day blog challenge and since I like Kellie so very much I decided to partake as well. It is pretty simple, blog about yourself for thirty days and since I am a self-proclaimed ego maniac this should be pretty easy, I mean really, who loves me more than me?
*note to my readers, I don't really love myself that much
Here are the guidelines for anyone interested in getting to know themselves more through this silly little month long exercise.
day 1- recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
day 2- the meaning behind you blog name
day 3- a picture of you and your friends
day 4- a habit that you wish you didn’t have
day 5- a picture of somewhere youve been to
day 6- favorite super hero and why
day 7- a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
day 8- short term goals for this month and why
day 9- something youre proud of in the past few days
day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
day 11- another picture of you and your friends
day 12- how you found out about blogger and why you have one
day 13- a letter to someone who has hurt you recently
day 14- a picture of you and your family
day 15- put you ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play
day 16- another picture of yourself
day 17- someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
day 18- plans/dreams/goals you have
day 19- nicknames you have and why you have them
day 20- someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future
day 21- a picture of something that makes you happy
day 22- what makes you different from everyone else
day 23- something you crave for a lot
day 24- a letter to your parents
day 25- what I would find in your bag
day 26- what do you think about your friends
day 27- why are you doing this 30 day challenge
day 28- a picture of you from last year and now, how have you changed since then?
day 29- in this past month, what have you learned
day 30- you favorite song
Day 1 recent picture of me:

me on my 28th birthday (2 months ago)
and 15 interesting facts about yourself...
1. The name Rikki, is NOT short for anything, and no, I didn't lose that number (curse you Steely Dan, curse you!!)
2. My favorite color is orange, I first started liking it because no one else did and also because my favorite album when I was 17 was Orange Rhyming Dictionary from Jets to Brazil, and it is still one of my favorite albums 11 years later.
3. I like to close my eyes when I am biking and see how long I can go without opening them, not very safe I know, but what a thrill!
4. I have been Vegan for 2 and 1/2 years and I do not regret a single day. I do not miss cheese and I probably say the word vegan at least 15 times a day because in my mind vegan=super fucking rad!
5. I find Woody Harrelson strangely attractive along with Nick Cave and Patrick Carney of the Black Keys. The taller and skinnier the better. I like really bony elbows and pale forearms.
6. If and when I have sex dreams they are with people I have never met or ever seen before. Complete strangers that don't exist.
7. In elementary school, Beth (my then best friend) and I one made a Ouija board using a paper and rock, we then told a little girl it was real and told her she would die before her sixth birthday, her birthday was the next day. cruel.
8. In third grade I rounded up a group of my friends and sang the entire R.E.M. song Losing my Religion while dancing. I thought the song was about losing your virginity.
9. I used to think I had bad birthday luck, when I was seven I fell in the tub and slit open my chin, having to get stitches and was not able to eat my birthday cake. On my 10th birthday my grandpa locked me and my friends outside and wouldn't let us into the house (summertime in the desert) We all got sweaty and sick. When I was 13 my Uncle Bob died. At 19 the boy I loved brought another girl to my party and broke my heart. At 24 I got into my first fight, I punched a girl. But then at 26 I held hands with Tim for the first time and he broke the curse.
10. I used to have a surface piercing on my wrist. I couldn't put my hand in my pants pocket for over six months.
12. I draw pretty well but I can't do it sober, because I am my own worst critic.
13. I don't really think things through, I just hold my breath and jump in. I prefer it that way.
14. I am not a good person to talk to at length because I often get lost in my head and completely ignore what someone is saying to me. I can't help it, I try to pay attention but then I end up wandering around in my brain and think of all kinds of silly things.
15. I don't like Elvis. I know, not very American of me but he was a sexy stylish dude who morphed into an ugly obese joke. Plus, he tried to have the Beatles deported and I cannot forgive that.
Day one is over, thank Jesus, it was hard to talk about myself that much. Stay tuned for 29 more days of Rikki Cupcake.
*note to my readers, I don't really love myself that much
Here are the guidelines for anyone interested in getting to know themselves more through this silly little month long exercise.
day 1- recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
day 2- the meaning behind you blog name
day 3- a picture of you and your friends
day 4- a habit that you wish you didn’t have
day 5- a picture of somewhere youve been to
day 6- favorite super hero and why
day 7- a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
day 8- short term goals for this month and why
day 9- something youre proud of in the past few days
day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
day 11- another picture of you and your friends
day 12- how you found out about blogger and why you have one
day 13- a letter to someone who has hurt you recently
day 14- a picture of you and your family
day 15- put you ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play
day 16- another picture of yourself
day 17- someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
day 18- plans/dreams/goals you have
day 19- nicknames you have and why you have them
day 20- someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future
day 21- a picture of something that makes you happy
day 22- what makes you different from everyone else
day 23- something you crave for a lot
day 24- a letter to your parents
day 25- what I would find in your bag
day 26- what do you think about your friends
day 27- why are you doing this 30 day challenge
day 28- a picture of you from last year and now, how have you changed since then?
day 29- in this past month, what have you learned
day 30- you favorite song
Day 1 recent picture of me:
me on my 28th birthday (2 months ago)
and 15 interesting facts about yourself...
1. The name Rikki, is NOT short for anything, and no, I didn't lose that number (curse you Steely Dan, curse you!!)
2. My favorite color is orange, I first started liking it because no one else did and also because my favorite album when I was 17 was Orange Rhyming Dictionary from Jets to Brazil, and it is still one of my favorite albums 11 years later.
3. I like to close my eyes when I am biking and see how long I can go without opening them, not very safe I know, but what a thrill!
4. I have been Vegan for 2 and 1/2 years and I do not regret a single day. I do not miss cheese and I probably say the word vegan at least 15 times a day because in my mind vegan=super fucking rad!
5. I find Woody Harrelson strangely attractive along with Nick Cave and Patrick Carney of the Black Keys. The taller and skinnier the better. I like really bony elbows and pale forearms.
6. If and when I have sex dreams they are with people I have never met or ever seen before. Complete strangers that don't exist.
7. In elementary school, Beth (my then best friend) and I one made a Ouija board using a paper and rock, we then told a little girl it was real and told her she would die before her sixth birthday, her birthday was the next day. cruel.
8. In third grade I rounded up a group of my friends and sang the entire R.E.M. song Losing my Religion while dancing. I thought the song was about losing your virginity.
9. I used to think I had bad birthday luck, when I was seven I fell in the tub and slit open my chin, having to get stitches and was not able to eat my birthday cake. On my 10th birthday my grandpa locked me and my friends outside and wouldn't let us into the house (summertime in the desert) We all got sweaty and sick. When I was 13 my Uncle Bob died. At 19 the boy I loved brought another girl to my party and broke my heart. At 24 I got into my first fight, I punched a girl. But then at 26 I held hands with Tim for the first time and he broke the curse.
10. I used to have a surface piercing on my wrist. I couldn't put my hand in my pants pocket for over six months.
12. I draw pretty well but I can't do it sober, because I am my own worst critic.
13. I don't really think things through, I just hold my breath and jump in. I prefer it that way.
14. I am not a good person to talk to at length because I often get lost in my head and completely ignore what someone is saying to me. I can't help it, I try to pay attention but then I end up wandering around in my brain and think of all kinds of silly things.
15. I don't like Elvis. I know, not very American of me but he was a sexy stylish dude who morphed into an ugly obese joke. Plus, he tried to have the Beatles deported and I cannot forgive that.
Day one is over, thank Jesus, it was hard to talk about myself that much. Stay tuned for 29 more days of Rikki Cupcake.
17 August 2010
procrastination nation is just a little place I live in. I could have baked my yummy treat from the Veganomicon but instead I decided to watch Undercover Brother, take a nap, buy a dress and run screaming from my bathroom when a cockroach decided to invade my living space. I hate cockroaches!

I would prefer an army of Siafu ants then those little bastards. If you haven't heard of the Siafu, I suggest you wiki it, those ants are SCARY!
It is raining as I type this and I am overjoyed.
Our roof leaked all over the living room floor and threatened to destroy my record collection, but we arrived home in time just before any permanent destruction. Had the rain destroyed my brand new Crocodiles-Summer of Hate lp I would have cursed and punched a little raincloud right in it's grey face! I am just rambling, but the point is tomorrow I will not be lazy, tomorrow I will bake and share with you, tomorrow is only a day away.
Rikki Cupcake

I would prefer an army of Siafu ants then those little bastards. If you haven't heard of the Siafu, I suggest you wiki it, those ants are SCARY!
It is raining as I type this and I am overjoyed.

Our roof leaked all over the living room floor and threatened to destroy my record collection, but we arrived home in time just before any permanent destruction. Had the rain destroyed my brand new Crocodiles-Summer of Hate lp I would have cursed and punched a little raincloud right in it's grey face! I am just rambling, but the point is tomorrow I will not be lazy, tomorrow I will bake and share with you, tomorrow is only a day away.
Rikki Cupcake
16 August 2010
Ask A Vegan pt. 14
What a wonderful Monday! I have been a little ball of happiness today from all of the positive energy carried over from yesterday's photo shoot. I raved to all of my favorite people about meeting Tania Katan and her love Angela Ellsworth. Both ladies were Ah-Mazing and very inspirational. I was a complete dork and I didn't really take any photos of the cupcakes I made for the shoot, but once the magazine comes out I can get photos from the photographer and share them all with you...WEEEEEEE!
Now speaking about women who are amazing, today's Ask A Vegan is a young and beautiful girl who when filling out my survey had only been vegan for two weeks! It takes guts to switch to the veg lifestyle as well as openly tell everyone about it! *For those of you out there who aren't vegan, you may not realize the ridicule that we get on a daily basis. I know it sounds silly, but it is the same as someone judging you by your race, religion or sexuality. It is absolutely insulting when someone shoves a plate of bacon in my face and says, "yuuuuummm! Bet you want to eat this Rikki." When in reality I am thinking, no I don't want to eat it, no I don't miss fatty, greasy bacon, and yes I think you are a douche bag.* Katie has started a blog all about her journey and it is a really great read for anyone who is interested in becoming a vegan (secretly chanting "one of us, one of us" in my head right now) or even incorporating more vegan dishes to their diet. So please check out her blog, become a reader (I hate the term "follower") and tell her how friggen' rad she it. Do it!!
Name: Katie
Age: 21
Location: Hampshire, UK
Website: Vegan Katie Cake

How long have you been Vegan?
About 2 weeks…
What made you decide to go Vegan?
Well I am about to go into my final year of uni and had no idea what topic to do. I have a recent history of failed dieting so thought maybe that would be an option to write about, how dieting is unhealthy and doesn’t work. I started reading ‘Skinny Bitch’ and even though I had read it before, It just clicked with me this time. So I started reading more about veganism and everything just kind of slotted into place.
There and then I decided to not eat meat again but still ate dairy etc for about a week.
My dissertation is now going to be about why veganism is the answer.
How do you feel health wise with this diet choice?
I’ve definitely noticed that I have more energy and feel more positive in general, about life and everyday stuff. Ive also lost that bit of weight that was hanging around (although quite a chunk is still hanging around). It’s a bit early for any miracle health improvements yet but there is time…
Are you open about your Veganism?
Ive not really had that much chance to talk about it with people other than my immediate family but I would be happy to. Although I already know it is very hard not to preach when all those shocking images are ingrained onto the insides of your eyelids.
If so, are you involved in any activism i.e. protests, leafleting etc…
Not yet but Its something I really want to do.
What do your family, friends, co-workers think about your diet?
Although I’ve never been much of a meat eater it was a big difference for me to not be having eggs and dairy. One of the last diets I did involved a lot and eggs and yoghurt. And a lot of late night cereal munchies.
My mum was fine. My Boyfriend on the other hand was not so keen but he is coming around slowly.

What advice would you give those interested in becoming Vegan?
Then just take a minute to think about yourself. How happy you are with what you eat and the effect that has on you and everything else. I think once you decide to really acknowledge and accept the truth, you cant go back.
Would you eat at Mc Donald’s if they carried a Vegan burger?
I don’t think I would trust them that it would actually be vegan and it would probably taste like shit anyway.
Do you have a Vegan celebrity that you find particularly dashing?
Oh this is a whole new world to explore. Yumyum.
Do you have a favorite Vegan blog or website that you follow?
No favourites, I love them all.
What is your least favorite question that you are asked about your diet?
From my boyfriend:
“Your not going to make me eat weird hippy shit are you?”
No of course not = Yes, if I can get away with it.

What is your favorite dish?
So far the best thing I’ve made has been the peanut butter caramel for my attempt at a Smlove Pie, does that count?
I ate most of it straight out the pan on its own so surely that counts as a dish…
What do you typically eat at Thanksgiving?
Well we don’t have Thanksgiving here in the UK.
If I could make you any flavor cupcake in the world what would it be?
A ‘Willy Wonka 3 course meal chewing gum’ style cupcake with
numerous flavours including peanut butter, mint choccy chip, red velvet, guylain seashells and always ending in chocolate fudge brownie and icecream. And maybe some cream on top.
And sprinkles.
good answer, and my favorite scene from Willy Wonka, Violet is turning violet!

Please share your favorite Vegan recipe.
Any that doesn’t involve Seitan.
Ive tried to love it or even just like it but I cant.
Now speaking about women who are amazing, today's Ask A Vegan is a young and beautiful girl who when filling out my survey had only been vegan for two weeks! It takes guts to switch to the veg lifestyle as well as openly tell everyone about it! *For those of you out there who aren't vegan, you may not realize the ridicule that we get on a daily basis. I know it sounds silly, but it is the same as someone judging you by your race, religion or sexuality. It is absolutely insulting when someone shoves a plate of bacon in my face and says, "yuuuuummm! Bet you want to eat this Rikki." When in reality I am thinking, no I don't want to eat it, no I don't miss fatty, greasy bacon, and yes I think you are a douche bag.* Katie has started a blog all about her journey and it is a really great read for anyone who is interested in becoming a vegan (secretly chanting "one of us, one of us" in my head right now) or even incorporating more vegan dishes to their diet. So please check out her blog, become a reader (I hate the term "follower") and tell her how friggen' rad she it. Do it!!
Name: Katie
Age: 21
Location: Hampshire, UK
Website: Vegan Katie Cake

How long have you been Vegan?
About 2 weeks…
What made you decide to go Vegan?
Well I am about to go into my final year of uni and had no idea what topic to do. I have a recent history of failed dieting so thought maybe that would be an option to write about, how dieting is unhealthy and doesn’t work. I started reading ‘Skinny Bitch’ and even though I had read it before, It just clicked with me this time. So I started reading more about veganism and everything just kind of slotted into place.
There and then I decided to not eat meat again but still ate dairy etc for about a week.
My dissertation is now going to be about why veganism is the answer.
How do you feel health wise with this diet choice?
I’ve definitely noticed that I have more energy and feel more positive in general, about life and everyday stuff. Ive also lost that bit of weight that was hanging around (although quite a chunk is still hanging around). It’s a bit early for any miracle health improvements yet but there is time…
Are you open about your Veganism?
Ive not really had that much chance to talk about it with people other than my immediate family but I would be happy to. Although I already know it is very hard not to preach when all those shocking images are ingrained onto the insides of your eyelids.
If so, are you involved in any activism i.e. protests, leafleting etc…
Not yet but Its something I really want to do.
What do your family, friends, co-workers think about your diet?
Although I’ve never been much of a meat eater it was a big difference for me to not be having eggs and dairy. One of the last diets I did involved a lot and eggs and yoghurt. And a lot of late night cereal munchies.
My mum was fine. My Boyfriend on the other hand was not so keen but he is coming around slowly.

What advice would you give those interested in becoming Vegan?
Then just take a minute to think about yourself. How happy you are with what you eat and the effect that has on you and everything else. I think once you decide to really acknowledge and accept the truth, you cant go back.
Would you eat at Mc Donald’s if they carried a Vegan burger?
I don’t think I would trust them that it would actually be vegan and it would probably taste like shit anyway.
Do you have a Vegan celebrity that you find particularly dashing?
Oh this is a whole new world to explore. Yumyum.
Do you have a favorite Vegan blog or website that you follow?
No favourites, I love them all.
What is your least favorite question that you are asked about your diet?
From my boyfriend:
“Your not going to make me eat weird hippy shit are you?”
No of course not = Yes, if I can get away with it.

What is your favorite dish?
So far the best thing I’ve made has been the peanut butter caramel for my attempt at a Smlove Pie, does that count?
I ate most of it straight out the pan on its own so surely that counts as a dish…
What do you typically eat at Thanksgiving?
Well we don’t have Thanksgiving here in the UK.
If I could make you any flavor cupcake in the world what would it be?
A ‘Willy Wonka 3 course meal chewing gum’ style cupcake with
numerous flavours including peanut butter, mint choccy chip, red velvet, guylain seashells and always ending in chocolate fudge brownie and icecream. And maybe some cream on top.
And sprinkles.
good answer, and my favorite scene from Willy Wonka, Violet is turning violet!

Please share your favorite Vegan recipe.
Any that doesn’t involve Seitan.
Ive tried to love it or even just like it but I cant.
12 August 2010
This Sunday
As you folks know just from looking at my "Books I Am Reading" list I am an avid reader. I like to tell people I have just met that I devour books like candy, because I really, really love candy. You will also notice by looking at this list that this year I have read twenty-four books so far this year and among those books is a memoir, one so poignant that I read it in one day. This book made me cry, a lot but it also made me laugh so hard I almost wee'd in my knickers. This book?
My One Night Stand With Cancer by Tania Katan.
Tania is a native Arizonian and in fact at one time lived right on my street (although about 10 years earlier). Her story is about her fight, not once but twice with breast cancer. The first time cancer struck she was only twenty-one years old. When she retells the visits to her doctors, the chemotherapy, the losing of her hair she tells it as if it were an anecdote or punch-line to a hilarious joke. I, myself, don't think I could have ever been strong enough to laugh such a scary thing right in the face like she did, and twice!! As you can gather, I have much admiration for Tania, so you can understand why this morning after receiving an email requesting I make cupcakes for a photo shoot, this Sunday for Tania I did quite an embarrassing jig in front of my dogs. I am giddy, giddy!! Tania will be doing a one person performance called Saving Tania's Privates In Phoenix from September 16th thru October 10th. If you live in the valley I suggest you check it out and bring some tissues because tears of laughter will be impossible to avoid.

My One Night Stand With Cancer by Tania Katan.
Tania is a native Arizonian and in fact at one time lived right on my street (although about 10 years earlier). Her story is about her fight, not once but twice with breast cancer. The first time cancer struck she was only twenty-one years old. When she retells the visits to her doctors, the chemotherapy, the losing of her hair she tells it as if it were an anecdote or punch-line to a hilarious joke. I, myself, don't think I could have ever been strong enough to laugh such a scary thing right in the face like she did, and twice!! As you can gather, I have much admiration for Tania, so you can understand why this morning after receiving an email requesting I make cupcakes for a photo shoot, this Sunday for Tania I did quite an embarrassing jig in front of my dogs. I am giddy, giddy!! Tania will be doing a one person performance called Saving Tania's Privates In Phoenix from September 16th thru October 10th. If you live in the valley I suggest you check it out and bring some tissues because tears of laughter will be impossible to avoid.
11 August 2010
Vegan Bake Sale

Hello friends,
"Another Vegan bake sale?" you ask, "already?" To this I reply with great enthusiasm, "Yes! Another bake sale, and there will be more and more to come because there are millions of charities in Arizona that always need help, and there are tons of Vegans who love to bake and want to share their happy lifestyle with others!"
But seriously folks, when I participated in my first bake sale I was happy to donate a few delicious dishes in support of a good cause, and then I did my second bake sale, then my third... I am hooked! The support we get for these sales is overwhelming. The donations of vegan foods, the networking to let others know about the sales and of course the purchase and enjoyment of baked goodies all makes my feeble heart go pitter pat! I am so appreciative of all of you and I want you to know how grateful I am.
That being said, if you can feel it in your heart, or in your stomach there is another wonderful bake sale September 11th to benefit the Arizona Adoption and Foster Care Agency. I originally wanted to do a school supply drive for them in the beginning of this month but when speaking with Marcia Reck from the agency I was informed that a mid September sale was best. This seemed odd but she explained that when the new school year begins that teachers, principals and nurses start to notice students who arrive to school disheveled, with bruises or are malnourished and that is when CPS steps in to access the situation. More children are sent into foster care this time of year, and usually they have little to nothing to take with them to their new homes. This is where we are stepping in to help. We can and will raise these funds to help these children as much as we possibly can. See how I am using the term we? As a community we can make a difference to help these kids, it is as easy as buying a cookie.
I have attached a copy of the bake sale flyer if you want to pass it on, and I hope to see all of you there!
Saturday September 11th
11am-4pm @ Loveland Boutique
S.E. corner of Baseline and Mill
Remember, it takes a village to raise a child.
10 August 2010
Taking On The V-Con Pt. 9

Number nine, number nine....
The next four recipes (that includes today's recipe) was picked by yours truly. I wanted to pick recipes that had a South Western flair and that also reflected the many great things that come along with summer, like strawberries, bbqs, and stuff that was muy caliente! like the desert in which I live. The forcast reads, hot, hot and with a chance of scorching!! The last two weeks saw cooler weather with a few thunderstorms but the forecasters have predicted this week to heat up, with highs up to 117 degrees. With that being said, what is better than Mexican food and an ice cold cerveza to help beat the summertime blues? Today's recipe is...wait for it...wait for it...
Grilled Yuca Tortillas!
After picking this recipe I became a little scared, having never tried Yuca (or cassava) before, but then I realized, wait, I HAD tried cassava before and numerous times in the form of Daiya cheese. Daiya is made from the cassava root and tapioca, which is closely related to cassava. I will say that I do not normally top everything with fake cheese, there are times when I will eat a pizza with Daiya and it is just heavenly. The grilled yuca tortillas were incredibly easy to make, and just as easy to devour. The recipe called for fresh yuca which I could not find but I did, however, find frozen yuca at Lee Lee an Asian grocer in Mesa. Lee Lee has all kinds of amazing frozen vegan food, and if you live in the valley, I suggest you check it out!
yuca up close
On with the recipe:
1 lb. yuca
3 T. olive oil
6 cloves garlic
1 small yellow bell pepper (I used red grilled pepper)
1 jalapeno
2 tsp. lime juice
1/2 tsp. salt
pinch of pepper
then I added a sauteed red onion and black beans to the mix for good times and fun to be had by all.
As I stated earlier this recipe is very easy to make. You pretty much just boil the yuca, and mash it up like a cooked potato.
Saute garlic, bell pepper and jalapeno in olive oil,
add to smushed yuca
shove into a folded tortilla and fry up on the stove top.
I baked my tortilla to cut back on fat, but I definitely did not cut back on flavor.
Yum!! I would make this recipe again and again and again!
black beans,
brown rice tortillas,
taking on the v-con,
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